We always have our phones with us, so one of my favorite hobbies is figuring out which apps can make it easier for us to create, share and build content for our audiences. While at #devlearn, I’ll use my phone or tablet to snap a photo of something that I see whether on screen, in a presentation at a keynote or walking around the conference. This helps me to recall, review and determine next steps after the event.
During keynotes, I’ll use Notability (iOS only) to capture photos, notes and thoughts that I can share with my team to capture what I’m learning.
Based on another DevLearn presentation, taking place Thursday at 10am in the Expo area, we created this resource site to help link to a dozen apps to help with creative ideas, brainstorming, design thinking, media creation, and sharing data with your teams and stakeholders. You can access for free at MobileAppsforLearning.com.